Blogtober - Post 9!

    As I was going to bed last night I was mentally preparing myself for today. I had a notion you see that it wasn't going to be a good one.

    "I'm not doing sheets on Sunday, it's going to rain,"🌧️ It's not going to be like this tomorrow, it's going to rain all day!"🌧️ That's all I've heard about since Friday morning. 

    So, I wake up this morning and it's cold. But it's not raining. In fact it is very sunny☀️ with even more breeze than yesterday. And remained so for pretty much the rest of the day. "I'm sure she said it was going to rain?" I should be thankful, in dreary weather the mood here is not good.

    I don't know about you, but I haven't found the weather forecasters on the telly very reliable for ages. They ramble on about fronts and highs and lows and isobars like we've all had their education (OK, so it was covered in Geography, but that was a long time ago!), and have you noticed that at the end of the week there is always "a lot of uncertainty about what's going to happen? Oh, and it's almost always an improving picture! My left buttock!😬

    I said we were going to have a cracking dinner and we did! Sausage, Fried Eggs, Chips and Baked Beans! We hadn't had it for donkeys so we all really enjoyed it! And then we had Apple Pie and cream. The pie was home-made and put in the freezer back in 2017, and it was absolutely delicious!!

    I'm ending on a photo, just to surprise you!πŸ‘‹πŸ˜ 




  1. Your vintage apple pie made me smile. Our forecasts aren’t too bad in Jersey. I only check the local one on the internet. I gave up watching the news and weather a good few years ago!

    1. I don't blame you! The news is nothing but repeated doom and gloom!


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