
Showing posts from January, 2022

Twenty Twenty Tunisian!

What up peeps? Was you 'avin' it proper boss-like wit' the Jingle-Jingle?     Well, here we are in yet another new year which, let's face it, is probably going to be pretty similar to the last two. (Although, having written that bit before certain recent revelations were made, it could be that the year ends up quite different indeed!)😉😷😱     I'm not entirely convinced that my blog got off to a good start considering that I've had absolutely no visitors for months and only two comments. Perhaps I should have started it in 2020 when so many people were locked-down hither and thither and clicking the net with wild abandon. Okay, I admit that it probably hasn't been the most exciting blog to look at. I didn't exactly get a lot done crochet wise - I am not a particularly speedy hooker - and yes, the photos could be better. And no, there haven't been any free patterns which I know a lot of us are on the net for, but I've been a bit slow on the old s