Blogtober - Post 6!

    It's been quite a sunny day here, but it's only now that the condensation has finally cleared from the windows. It's been quite blowy too which at least means that some of the washing has dried more successfully than on other days recently.

    Thursdays are not most favourite day of the week and I am feeling a little zonked out. I'll try and go to bed earlier tonight, although I often say that and it don't happen.

    Barbara raised an interesting notion yesterday. She said that she was looking forward to seeing my morning crochet. Well, all that was was a bit done to one of my Yuletide Squares but it got me thinking. Could I/you/we have projects on the go that we focus on at only certain times of the day? I mean, there could a morning project that you spend just a few minutes on to get your brain and fingers working first thing, or to relax you after some of the initial chores of the day are done. A main day project, perhaps a gift for a friend - something that needs to be done, followed by an evening project that's all about you relaxing and enjoying your craft. Is this how you work? Or perhaps you just tend to work on one project at a time, or seasonally? As I said, quite an interesting notion.

    I'm scrapping the Links page. I'm not sure why it's not showing up but I've decided to have a list of links on the side of the blog. I haven't settled on exactly how to display them yet, or which gadget to use to do so, so expect that to change as I play around with it.

    Oh well, I hope your day has been more eventful than mine has.πŸ‘‹πŸ˜΄


  1. It curious how we all work with our crafting. I’ve always got socks on the go. They travel well and I’ll often knit a few rounds as my partner drives. Crochet on the other hand is always an evening project especially when it’s a blanket and it’s getting bigger. I struggle to have more than two projects on the go at anyone time. I’m a real finisher and it worries me if there’s too much on the go . I’ll share some more photos of my socks and blanket another day.

    1. I have never tried crafting of any kind in the car. I imagine it must be quite awkward - perhaps you have flatter roads than we do! I could crochet all day and not get bored but I agree, it is particularly good in the evening!

  2. I've always got socks on the go too - there's one as my "Emergency Sock" in the car in case I get stuck in a traffic jam or have to wait somewhere, and I've got several pairs on the go in the house ... also some crochet that I only do at certain times ... I don't think I have particular projects for particular times of the day, but there are projects that will suit particular times when that time occurs (such as having to wait somewhere) if that makes sense :) xx

    1. An "Emergency Sock" in the car. Well, no-one can say you aren't prepared for anything!


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