Blogtober - Post 4!

    Yeah, I know, It's a bit late again. I'm a bit fed up about it too. Every time I thought I would get a few minutes to at least start this post, I didn't. I'm either having to do this or do that, or I'm being held up by someone else's activity or I'm being asked for my opinion on something that I really have no clue about. It's a bit of a bugger.😬

    I was going to go outside and photograph some of the flowers we've still got in the garden, but it rained. 🌧️🌧️And it wasn't just proper rain, but that awfully fine drizzle that comes down like a living mist of sticky wetness. Sadly it completely altered my mood as well and I don't s'pose that helped with the doing of things.

    The sun did come out for a little while in the afternoon, but by that time the flowers were in the shade and I really couldn't be bothered to try.

    Another thing I wanted to do today was go through my DVDsπŸ“€πŸ“€ and see if there were any I could get rid of. I got a load more for my birthday recently and I technically have nowhere to put them. I've been putting it off for a few weeks because I don't really like chucking anything away and hoarding does run in the family. Also, you never know if you will never watch a film again, in time you might so...

    I've updated my links page (at the top of the page) to include Winwick Mum, Coastal Ripples and Emma Varnam. I am considering putting this list on the side of the blog page like most other people do. What do you think? 

    Many thanks to all who have commented over the last few days, your encouragement is appreciated, and a big Thank You to Barbara for being my first follower! Just a few more and my plans to take over the world can begin! MmWwahahahaha!!😈

    That's probably as Halloweeny as I'm going to get so relish it!πŸ‘‹πŸ˜„



  1. Ah, thanks for adding my blog to your links! I have mine in the sidebar of my blog where it's quite easy for people to see them - I can't tell you how many fab blogs I've found from seeing them linked on other people's blogs. Could you put some of your DVDs in a box in the attic and then you've made some space but you don't have to let them go just yet? It's OK to hold onto stuff without considering yourself a hoarder (ha! I am the same!) but I think you need to be mindful about what you're keeping and what you're doing with it (and I really need to take my own advice here! :) )

  2. I think that could be the answer to the DVD problem, I can always make a list of what I put where and then they'll be easier to find! Gosh you're good!


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