Blogtober - Post 29! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‹ 🐦

    Hey-ho! How's your weekend shaping up? As Barbara's Mum said, "Tomorrow's another day" and indeed today has been!πŸ˜€

    I woke up feeling much less tired than I sometimes do, and probably not as defeated as I felt yesterday. Despite the fact that it was very foggy🌫️ here first thing. In fact we did get some sunshine☀️, spot of rain🌧️ and yes, more cloud☁️, but otherwise it was alright!

    Saturday is also traditionally when I have Shortbread with my cups of tea, and that always cheers me up!πŸ˜‹

    At lunchtime we watched the last episode of "All Creatures Great And Small". Not sure if it was you'd call a good episode, not sure the series as a whole was particularly good, sometimes it's as if they forget the series is about a veterinary practice. More animals next time please, makers!  

    After lunch I had a bit of a treat!πŸ˜„ We have a pair of Wood Pigeons which pretty much live in the garden and they know us quite well enough to know we won't hurt them, and over the last few months they have become used to having seed thrown to them from the back door, to the point that they quite cheekily wander past the patio door and look in as if to say, "Feeding time? Hmmm?" Well, last week Mother put her hand down to the ground and for the first time they both fed from her hand! Father was next and he even managed to get a short video on his camera. Today it was my turn and although I hadn't fed them from the door before, they came straight over and fed from my hand, and they didn't peck me once!🀯 I have to say that it was a really good experience and such a gentle one, no fanfare, no hesitancy, just quiet feeding. I'm really pleased I decided to do it because that is generally the type of thing I would deny myself, thinking that I didn't deserve it. Is this what they call a Red Letter Day?

    Anyway, I'll call that it for today and leave you with sneaky-peaks! Toodles!!πŸ‘‹πŸ˜ 



  1. Well done on the pigeon feeding. Those snowmen are taking shape :)

    1. They are quite greedy you know! Please don't get your hopes up - there's only one Snowman!!

  2. This is turning into quite a month for you - you're pushing all of your boundaries and good for you! How lovely to have birds feeding from your hands; I think that birds and animals are much better judges of whether we deserve their attention than we are sometimes, and perhaps you need to take the wood pigeons' opinion into consideration :) xx

    1. This is true (you're very good at this!!) and they often have a lot more sense than we give them credit for! Bird brained indeed!


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