On The Hook

    Like many of you reading this (is one many?) I generally have a variety of WIPs on the go at any given time. I’m not the type of person who sticks rigidly with one project till it’s finished and then moves on to the next, as some of them can take ages, (well, they do me!) and it ends up driving you slightly bats! And others will be done as presents, as and when they’re needed, and this of course creates an automatic overlap in projects. Besides, there is always something new to try or a new idea that works its way into your brain and begs for some attention.

Currently, if we’re talking accurately, I have approximately 8 things on the go with a further 3 on the “almost about to be started” list. I think. It’s easy to forget a few after a while of not working on them, while others are completely abandoned because you know they’re simply not ever going to work as well as you’d hoped and they turn into piles of wasted time! Buggers! But the next thing gets started and all those nuisances fade into the background. Slightly.

I like to have different types of patterns on the go as well. Blankets are, I admit, a great activity and way to use up your yarn stash, but it’s nice to take a break and focus on something smaller and neater like an amigurumi, especially for someone like me who naturally works tightly. And I do have issues with trebles, but more on that later.

At the top of the list at the mo’ is an amigurumi from the Zoomigurumi 9 book that my sister got me for Christmas. So far it’s going alright, but I need now to find a few quiet minutes to do the final few rounds of the head, as I always find it fiddly to work on a very stuffed body part. Most of the amis I have made have been presents for other people, and have therefore been made on-the-quiet, late at night, but this one I am doing for myself at a more acceptable hour which is probably why it is taking a bit longer. I did recently finish another though for my Mother’s Mother’s Day Present, so I’m not beating myself up too much about it!

And I’ve just remembered another, so let’s make it 9 on the go shall we?!πŸ˜€


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