Blogtober '23 - Day 31.

    I don't feel that I've done very well with this years Blogtobering. I had lots of ideas for it but I never actually got any of them started.  I was going to do more WIP-ing Sessions, a pattern folder sort out, a Tunisian Mitten Ta-da post and probably some other things which I didn't write down and have so far not remembered. Having a faster upload speed would have been helpful too!

    I was actually in two minds whether or not to even do it this year after last years attempt. But then I thought it might  be a good distraction from "other things" that I'd rather not acknowledge. I was wrong, of course, and it became just something else to stress about. I suppose it would be easier to do this type of thing if I actually had a life to tell you about, but I don't so I can't.

    I was not expecting the Granny Square Project to take as long as it is, and it is becoming a bit of a chore-bore - and we all know what happens when you get bored of something!

    I am pleased with how my drum stool cover is working out and considering that it wasn't a planned project, it's actually becoming a really welcome go-to WIP! I will need to find a close match for that darkest pink in order to finish it, but I think that should be doable.

    The weather too has had a big impact on me this month - we've had so much rain and gloomy skies that I've just not wanted to bother with all this walking and going out that my doctor wants me to do. Perhaps November will be sunnier?

    Oh well, that's all from me for now but do come back occasionally because you never know, I may have just posted something amazing!



  1. I enjoyed your Blogtobering but would like to see your other crochet projects the last piece was stunning

    1. You did!? Well thank you very much! I will be posting more project pictures as and when they get finished - I'm much better at starting something than finishing it!


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