Blogtober '23 - Day 3.

    One of the energy saving features of my computer's operating system is that the screen starts to dim when there's been no activity for however many seconds, and it continues to do this until it puts itself to sleep. So the last two days of blogging have been a bit scary because that's exactly what it's been doing when I've been trying to upload the photos from the computer to the blog!😱

    We have done speed tests like the one that pops up when you type speed test into google, and it shows that our Upload and Download speeds have dropped considerably, especially the Upload speed (but is still considered fast - What?) Which is a bugger because if I learned one thing last year, it's that photos can save your blogging sanity during this month. Why did it have to happen now??!!😭

    So please forgive me if my posts are somewhat less photo heavy than I had planned.

    It's strange that "they" say computers and technology are here to make our lives easier, but they invariably cause just as many headaches as they are meant to solve!😠

    That's probably why I like crochet so much: Hook+Yarn+Hands= Simple, easy pleasure.😍

    And no bleeping sounds when it doesn't work!!



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