Blogtober '23 - Day 26.

    Hello! Yes, I'm still here - sorry to disappoint you! I quite literally ran out of time to post anything yesterday - yet another disrupted day that meant we were all running behind or having to do things at odd moments. I did manage to get a few things done and ticked off the list though, which was good.

    I have completed the 4th and 5th rounds of my stool cover and I'm quite happy with those. The 4th did bowl a bit, but the 5th has flattened it nicely with only a small amount of ruffling. I'm not too worried about this though because I know the next round will alter it, and after blocking and then stretching it over the stool seat, it will be flat as a pancake.

    I just need to decide which colour to use for the next round - I'm tempted by the pale purple again or I do have a much darker, richer purple I could use but I'm not sure. Perhaps the pale pink?

    I've also made a start on the final little bits and bobs for my GSD squares - I'm envisaging  a lot of faffing and awkward sewing from now on! Why did I start this?

    Okay I'm off, I hope I will be well enough to finish Blogtober but after tomorrow starts - who knows.





  1. The stool cover looks amazing in those colours

    1. Hello! And thanks, it doesn't look bad does it? I've had a ball of green next to it today and I'm very tempted to try that for the next round...Decisions, decisions...


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