Blogtober '23 - Day 16.

    Okay, this is the post I mentioned a few days ago that I thought I  had posted back in May or June, but actually hadn't! In fact on closer inspection it turns out I hadn't even finished writing it! I blame the covid.


     Right then, let me introduce you to my current project! It's a long way from being finished but that doesn't matter. I'm classing it as a rolling project, which means that it will be completed over time, as and when I have time to spend on it.

    These are some knitted squares I made several years ago that had been languishing in a pink carrier bag inside an old hamper until a few weeks ago. I don't know exactly how many I made at the time, but I know I did make a large cushion cover from quite a few and a failed knitting needle case from some others, and these were what was left. 

    It may interest you know that despite the size variations, they were all done on the same size needles. Isn't it weird how that sometimes happens? I blame it on the fact that DK yarn varies in thickness so much from range to range and brand to brand.


    There's quite a few of a stitch pattern called Little Ladders which I think was featured in an issue of a knitting partwork, but also Moss Stitch, Double Moss Stitch, Garter, Stocking and Basket Weave. Plus a couple of variations I came up with. I'm not using the one with the cross-like pattern on it any more 'coz I don't think I like it. You'll notice that in the top picture that the squares have been given a Black Slip-Stitch edging. I have done this to stabilize the shapes and make it easier to work a round of Double Crochet around the edges.

    At first, I didn't do this, and just went straight in with the Double Crochet;

...and it doesn't look all that good does it? Lesson learned, I started with the Slip-Stitching, and it does look much better.

    Do you agree?

    I have now worked up a few Crocheted squares but they really are the tip of the iceberg.

    I thought I had a grey one made but then I remembered I frogged it because it looked naff. Awful yarn, not sure where it came from.

    This is my most recent square and according to the book I got the stitch patten from, it's called Spider Stitch. I'm not sure why though and it doesn't say how to get back to a straight edge, so if this is a familiar stitch to any of you, please let me know how to finish it!

    It's actually quite pretty and it forms quite a dense fabric, here's a close up:

    As well as traditional crochet, I will also be making some Tunisian Crochet squares too and to help I treated myself to a new book! "Tunisian Crochet Stitch Dictionary" by Anna Nikipirowicz. It's a great book, very well illustrated, and I'm really looking forward to trying out so many of the stitches! 

    My plan is to eventually have enough squares to stitch together and make a Sampler Blanket. Hopefully it will look quite interesting and full of contrasts.

    I'd love to know if you have a rolling project you keep going back to after and in-between finishing others.





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