Long Time No See!

    Well, hello! Golly it's been a while hasn't it? Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you by going on and on about the last few months, suffice it to say they have not been the happy-clappy sort.

    I was hoping to bring you a Tunisian Mittens update before now but unfortunately that, and they , have fallen by the wayside a little but I do have the intention of finishing them, and I even have a few ideas about how I might be able to do that.

    So, what have I been getting up to since last we spoke? Well, my sister got me a book for Christmas called "Every Which Way - Crochet Borders" by Edie Eckman and I have been finding that quite inspiring. So inspiring in fact that I have finally finished a Blanket that I started years ago! It's a straight-forward Granny Rounds blanket which I originally started to use up some of the old stash but, you know what it's like, when it reaches a certain size you have to actually start using new balls just to keep the rounds going, which does defeat the object of the exercise a little.

    Despite the number of border patterns in the book I decided not to use any of them and just do something very simple. At first I was going to start with a solid round of trebles but it soon became apparent that that wasn't working as it was making the blanket ruffle, so I frogged that and did a round of double crochet, skipping a stitch or two every few stitches and that worked much better. Then I started doing solid rounds of half-trebles and the border really took off! I love doing half-trebles, I find them quick and easy to do without the problem of the loose left leg issue I have with full trebles. It makes such a difference not to have to unpick constantly just to keep the work even!

    I'm really pleased with how it looks, but I think I actually prefer the reverse side of the border to the right side, and that's something I'm going to remember for future borders.


    Since I finished that I've been working on something else that involves old project pieces being brought up to date but I'll put that in my next post. I also have a new book which I'm very excited about and that will hopefully help out with the project!

Till next time!πŸ‘‹πŸ˜€


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