Novemblog! Post 1.

    Last year over on the Attic24 blog I learned of a thing called Blogtober. I'd never heard of it before but it sounded jolly interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed reading Lucy's daily posts, and it was one of the reasons that I thought that I would definitely like to start a blog this year. Well, as with the whole Granny Square Day thing, I completely forgot about it until I clicked onto Lucy's first post. "Oh blow!", I thought, sort of...πŸ˜‡ To be honest it was probably just as well because I'm no-where near as interesting as she is, and if I'd just started posting randomly it would have very quickly gotten dull as ditch, which would've just pissed me off as much as it would've bored you lot to tears, or worse - BBC programming!πŸ’©

     So I've come up with a new "thing" - Novemblog!πŸ‘ Actually it probably already exists, but as I'm not social media savvy, I shall never know! And although you could just stick the word blog at the end of September or December, it just makes sense to follow the original month and all the other months aren't really suitable. After-all, no-one wants a Blarch do they?😱

    Now, I'm not going to guarantee I shall post everyday because I think that might be pushing it and I'll probably be flagging a little bit after a while, as I said, I'm not that interesting, but I shall definitely be posting more often than I have done so far!

I hope!😟



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